10 Reasons You're Afraid To Go After What You Want (And How To Overcome)
I remember pulling onto the side of the road, picking up the phone and dialing my potential future employer.
I wouldn’t be coming to the final round of interviews.
Have you ever stopped yourself from doing something, or going after something, you really wanted?
Where deep down, you know you have it within you, but something just keeps you in your shell, unable to fully allow yourself to go after what you want?
At the root of it all, it is a belief system.
Deep-seeded fears and ways of thinking that hold us back.
The good news is, we can overcome them.
Let’s dive in to 10 Reasons You're Afraid To Go After What You Want ( and How To Overcome)
1. Fear of Failure
This is one of the most common reasons we don't put our all into whatever it is we have been led to do or want to do.
We are so afraid that things won't work out that instead of just doing our best day by day, we often become overwhelmed and end up doing nothing at all.
Whether it's:
Going to school
Starting a business
Starting a Bible study group
Furnishing your home
We cannot allow our fear of failure to keep is from our God-ordained destinies. To do so would be so say we don't have enough trust and faith that God will come through. He has good plans for us, if we surrender it to Him we can release the fear of failure as well.
Write out your thoughts surrounding these fears so you can better understand them and learn how to approach them.
Do one thing instead of ten.
Release the pressure.
2. Opinions of Others
For most of us, nothing puts us in a vice grip faster than the opinions of others. Or the perceived opinions of others.
It's a defensive coping mechanism and we all do it. But don’t put all your worth and energy into other people's opinion of you.
The more you care what people think about you, the more they own you.
You have unique abilities that no one else has, and if you're seeking first the Kingdom then opinions of others become less significant.
Don’t hold yourself back. If someone has spoken negatively over you and your life, forgive them. Give the perceived opinions to God and know that He is so much bigger and He wants the best for you.
3. Comparison
It's easy to look around at what others are doing or where they're at, especially if we're struggling in a specific area and see someone else thriving in that situation.
Whether we are waiting for a fulfilling job or to start dating, comparing will only keep us stuck, afraid of fully committing to go after what we want.
Comparison is a sneaky thing that can keep take a lot of our emotional and mental energy. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
Remember that you are uniquely created by God
Cherish your experiences and ways of thinking (they’re meant to set you apart)
Practice gratitude which makes you appreciate things in a new way
4. Fear of Success
Believe it or not, some of us are afraid to go fully after what we want because of fear of success.
We don't know what's going to happen if we really do reach our goals, we worry our relationships might change and people will treat us differently.
However, success doesn't need to change you or your relationships, it only magnifies what was already there. If you're generous and kind, then if you're walking in path with the Lord you will continue to shine your light in this way.
Remember that every good and perfect gift comes from above (even God-ordained successs
Be generous with your gifts and time
5. Money
This is a big one for a lot of people, including myself. We have a hard time investing or justifying putting money into courses or startups when we don’t know the outcome, and we are scared of what will happen.
But it doesn't need to be that way. We must remember our ultimate provider. God cares about the intimate details of our life, including our finances.
If he has spoken to you, whether that involves going to school, working or volunteering, He is your source and you can feel safe knowing he is your caretaker.
Money is a tool
It blesses us and we can bless others through it
6. Fear of Change
Change isn't always easy. We get used to our routines and it becomes hard to get out of that sometimes.
Routines and schedules are not bad things, but if we allow a fear of change to keep us from going after what we want, we will stay where we are.
Unpredictability doesn't need to be a bad thing.
Change can challenge you and grow you
Provides clarity as you pursue your goals and live your life
7. Trust Issues
How might trust issues keep us from going after what we want?
Keeps us at a distance from God
Makes it difficult to foster connections
Makes us have imbalanced relationships where we are afraid to give and receive because we fear there may be ulterior motives.
Talk to Jesus about the trust issue(s) - He will reveal things to you and help you to heal
Realise how loved we are.
Know you’re not behind.
8. Your Comfort Zone.
"Great things happen outside your comfort zone."
It's ironic that the things that grow us the most are sometimes also the things that have a level of pain attached to it that we don’t want to acknowledge.
Whether it's pain from the past, a relationship or the pain of becoming stagnant where we are, it still hurts us if we don't acknowledge it.
The good news: if we ask God for wisdom and are open to receiving what He has for us, we will grow in so many ways. The comfort zone impacts us not just in what we're pursuing but more importantly, in our walk with God. He tells us we can be “strong and courageous” because He sustains us.
Read books
Ask for guidance and journal down any ideas you may get through the process.
Do a small thing that pushes past some old habits. Little things create big impact.
9. Past Disappointment.
Sometimes we put our heart out there and give it our best shot, only to be crushed and defeated in the end.
Don't let past disappointment in a dream, relationship, goal, whatever it may be, keep you from going after what you want.
The time will pass anyway. Wouldn't it be better to keep trying than to give up altogether?
Remember how far you've come, how much you've been blessed with.
Do something kind for someone, like surprising them with a coffee or an encouraging note.
Know that it’s made you a stronger person.
10. Indecisiveness.
This is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to a lot of us. We are torn on which direction to go, which decision to make, often to the point where we become frozen and end up taking a backseat to it all.
It's normal to question the path we are on. It's good to ask ourselves questions and evaluate our goals and ensure that they line up with our morals and beliefs.
But don't let procrastination and distractions (the two culprits of indecisiveness) keep you from pursuing what you want.
Journal out a pros and cons list.
Pray and listen for God's guidance.
Talk to someone who can give you an objective opinion.
Know that making decisions requires bravery and to be proud of that.
Going after the things that are important to us isn’t always easy, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s because it matters and it means something in our lives.
As you work to overcome the reasons you may be afraid to go after what you want, remember that you are made unique and have your own gifts that God wants you to use to bless others.
Trust God with your failures and successes. It is all in His hands, so you can come out of that shell and shine, knowing it will all be used for His glory regardless what the outcome is.